Scientific Editing

Scientific Editing

Your readers—whether they are funders, journal editors, colleagues, or journalists—judge your research on the quality of your writing.


You write to share your research with the world. However, editors of scientific journals are rejecting an increasing number of articles due to language issues. Additionally, journals have reduced in-house editorial staff, and peer reviewers report less time than ever to review manuscripts. In this climate, it’s not enough to demonstrate good science. That science needs to be clearly communicated to readers.

A good editor will ensure your manuscript presents your science effectively. While no one can guarantee publication, manuscripts that undergo a thorough editing process prior to submission are more likely to be accepted for publication than those that do not. By working with me, my clients can rest easy knowing that I have clarified complex science, smoothed out awkward sentences, removed inconsistencies, reduced wordiness, and corrected errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.  

Invest in professional editing and allow your science to shine.

I offer three basic levels of editing: Standard, Plus, and Premium. The following table summarizes the coverage of each service:





Mechanical Editing

(Consistency to spelling, numerals, punctuation, hyphenation, etc.)

Stylistic Editing

(Grammar, word choice, and sentence-level clarity, flow, and logic)

Style Sheet

(Tracks style decisions to reinforce consistency)

English Language Learning Editing

(Includes an instructional component)

 N/A  N/A
Substantive Editing

(Content-level clarity, logical order, flow, tone)

Limited Limited

(Cross-check citations with reference list; conform to publisher’s style)

Optional Optional
Tables, Graphs, Figures

(Mechanical and language editing)

Optional Optional

(One round = Editor edits document in full and then returns to author for review)

Two Two Three

The first two services include editing at a copyediting level, which assumes your draft is at least 95% complete. The third service includes editing at a substantive level, which assumes your draft is at least 75% complete.

Typically, authors who wish to polish their text prefer the Standard service, which corrects for accuracy, clarity, consistency, and conciseness. Solutions to sentence structure problems, consistency reinforcement, and corrections in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style are made via Word’s Tracked Changes. Any questions of accuracy are noted in comments along with possible suggestions. A style sheet is created to build consistency and reinforce adherence to a specific style guide. This service is similar to a medium copyedit.

English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) authors who wish to improve their English-language writing may prefer the Plus service, which includes everything in the Standard service plus an additional instruction component. To facilitate learning and improvement, major language issues are identified and explained in comments.

For either service above, tables, figures, graphs, in-text citations, and/or references can be added for an extra fee.

Authors who wish for more extensive editor assistance, such as suggestions for content- or structural-level, prefer the Premium service. This service includes everything in the Standard service, as well as suggested changes in content clarity, logical organization, and tone. It also includes an additional round of revision. Please note, I offer this service only for select subject areas (denoted by * below).






·Cell Biology

·Cell Signaling*


·Molecular Biology







·Pediatrics/Maternal and Infant Health*




·Veterinary Medicine

·Food and Nutrition Service*

·Food Safety

·Health Promotion*

·Healthy People 2020*

·Nutrition Policy and Promotion*

·Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)*

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